Aims and Scope
Aims and Scope International Journal of Bonorowo Wetlands (Intl J Bonorowo Wetl) (formerly Bonorowo Wetlands) encourages submission of manuscripts dealing with all topics relevant to freshwater, brackish and marine coastal ecosystems, include zoology, botany, ecology, geology, sedimentology, hydrology, biogeochemistry; waste water disposal; as well as management, laws and regulations, policy and economics.
Article types The journal seeks for: (i) Research papers, (ii) Reviews, and (iii) Short communications. Original full-length research manuscripts are limited to 8,000 words (including tables and figures) or proportional to articles in this publication number (beyond that, it should be with notice). Review articles are also limited to 8,000 words, while Short communications should be less than 2,500 words, except for pre-study (can be more).