Ethnozoological study of the wild pig (Sus spp.) hunting among Sundanese in Upper Citarum Watershed area, West Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Mulyanto D, Abdoellah OS, Iskandar J, Gunawan B. 2021. Ethnozoological study of the wild pig (Sus spp.) hunting among Sundanese in Upper Citarum Watershed area, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 4930-4939. In the past, wild pigs had a high population in the rural ecosystem of West Java. However, the population of wild pigs, particularly Javan warty pig, decreases due to forest destructions and intensive hunting. This study aimed to elucidate the local knowledge on wild pigs, the mode of hunting, and diverse aspects of wild pig hunting. We conducted qualitative methods with ethnozoological approach, including participant observation and in-depth interview. The results showed that based on the local people the wild pig can be divided into four “races”, while based on zoology, two species of wild pig are documented in Java. During hunts all members get specific key roles. Thus, hunting success is increased by division of labor. Hunting wild pigs played an important role in socio-economic and cultural function for the village community. Due to intensive hunting of wild pigs, the population of these animals, particularly the Javan warty pig are decreased, and consequently the socio-economy of this animal in rural ecosystem may decrease ot even disappear.


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