Diversity, biomass, covers, and NDVI of restored mangrove forests in Karawang and Subang Coasts, West Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Suwanto A, Takarina ND, Koestoer RH, Frimawaty E. 2021. Diversity, biomass, covers, and NDVI of restored mangrove forests in Karawang and Subang Coasts, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 4115-4122. Indonesia has been recognized as the country with greatest diversity of mangrove species with significant amount of carbon sink and biomass. In few recent decades, mangrove forests have been deforested significantly. One of the solutions to deal with mangrove deforestation is through restoration. West Java north coasts are one of the areas that have experienced deforestation, however and mangrove restorations have been conducted mainly in Karawang and Subang coasts. Correspondingly this research aims to assess the mangrove diversity using index and biomass resulted from restoration program in those coasts. To assess the mangrove diversity in each coast on June 2021, 6 sampling stations containing 3 replicated sample plots of size 10 m × 10 m were located. In total 8 species with 1549 trees were been sampled. In Subang the order of mangrove species from common to less-common species were Avicennia marina > Rhizophora mucronata > Sonneratia caseolaris > Acanthus ilicifolius > Bruguiera gymnorhiza. While the order in Karawang was Avicennia marina > Rhizophora mucronata > Rhizophora apiculata > Sonneratia caseolaris > Bruguiera gymnorhiza. The mangrove diversity (H)’ was significantly different (p = 0.000, F = 2.216) with diversity in Subang Coast (average H' = 1.326, 95% CI: 1.15-1.5) was higher than in Karawang (average H’ = 1.063, 95%CI: 0.934-1.2). Estimated restored mangrove covers in Subang were 3.612 km2 and 0.46 km2 in Karawang. R. mucronata was mangrove species that has the highest biomass with the value of 1337.91 mg ha-1 and the lowest was A. marina with value of 14.3 mg ha-1. The results suggest that restoration areas in Subang and Karawang have significant contributions to maintain mangrove diversity, biomass, and covers.


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