Phenetic relationship of Genus Knema, Horsfieldia, and Myristica in Java based on pollen morphological evidence
The main purposes of the research were to support taxonomic evidence data in particular of palinology spesies classified in
Myristicaceae family at Java and determine phenetic relationship as an effort of increasing objectivity and repeatability of classification result. Pollen was collected in Herbarium Bogoriense and Bogor Botanical Garden, and prepared for light and Scanning Electron Microscope. Acetolysis method was used for light microscopy of the pollen preparation, and coating with gold was prepared for SEM. Phenetic relationship determined using coefficients of correlation and association.
© 2003 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNS Surakarta
Key words: phenetic relationship, pollen morphology, Knema, Horfieldia, and Myristica.