Morphological variation among fifteen superior robusta coffee clones in Lampung Province, Indonesia




Ramadiana S, Hapsoro D, Yusnita Y. 2018. Morphological variation among fifteen superior robusta coffee clones in
Lampung Province, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 1475-1481. This study aimed to characterize morphological variation among fifteen
superior robusta coffee clones in Lampung Province. The fifteen clones consisted of four clones released by the Indonesian Coffee and
Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI), i.e. ‘BP 409’,‘BP936’, ‘BP939’, ‘SA 237’, together with eleven superior coffee clones selected by
farmers from Tanggamus District (‘Tugino’, ‘Wanto’, ‘Biyadi’, ‘Komari’, ‘Wardi’, ‘Wariso’) and from West Lampung District (‘Tugu
Kuning’, ‘Tugu Hijau', ‘Tugu Biru', ‘Tugu Sari', ‘Lengkong'). Fifteen qualitative and seven quantitative morphological characters were
evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replicates for each clone,each replication consisted of two plants. From
each plant, four samples were taken from four sides of the plant (north, south, west, and east). It was found that while some
morphological characters exhibited negligible variation among clones, there were significant differences between clones for other
characters. The characters that did not differ significantly between clones were: shapes of leaf base and leaf tip; petiole color; leaf
venation pattern; fruit disk shape; ripe-fruit color; and stipule shape. The characters that varied between clones were shape of leaf lamina
(elliptical vs. lanceolate); fruit shape (round vs. oval); and shape of leaf margins. Morphological variation was also observed in some
quantitative characters: canopy diameter; tree height; stem diameter; leaf length; leaf width; petiole length; stipule length; and number of
primary branches.


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