Satellite based analysis of mangrove cover and density change in mangroves of Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, Indonesia




Abstract. Kaskoyo H, Hartati F, Bakri S, Febryano IG, Dewi BS, Nurcahyani N. 2023. Satellite based analysis of mangrove cover and density change in mangroves of Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 3019-3028. Being a threatened ecosystem of the world, mangroves require regular monitoring to identify areas that need improvement in conservation measures. Considering this, the present study aimed to assess the mangrove cover and density change in mangrove forest of Tulang Bawang District, Lampung Province, Indonesia. Data was collected by remote sensing techniques using satellite imagery viz., Landsat 5 in 2000 and 2010 and Landsat 8 in 2020. It was then analyzed using remote sensing method, namely Object-Based Image Analysis techniques using the unguided classification method to obtain mangrove cover data; while mangrove density information was obtained using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index algorithm. The results revealed the decrease in mangrove cover and density between 2000 and 2020. The mangrove cover decreased from 7529 ha in 2000 to 5551 ha in 2020. Furthermore, density of mangrove forest has also witnessed change from dense density class in 2000 to medium density class in 2020. From this result, it is evident that mangroves of East Rawajitu Sub-district are degrading and require focused efforts to prevent the degradation. Communities, entrepreneurs, and governments have different motives for utilizing mangrove forests that result in damage, so reasonable efforts are needed to manage mangrove forests sustainably.


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