Constructing and expressing acyl-homoserine lactone lactonase (aiiA) gene for enhancing Solanum tuberosum resistance against soft rot disease
Abstract. Suryanti E, Rusamana I, Wahyudi AT, Akhdiya A, Sukamdjaja D. 2022. Constructing and expressing acyl-homoserine lactone lactonase (aiiA) gene for enhancing Solanum tuberosum resistance against soft rot disease. Biodiversitas 23: 1780-1787. Expression of the genes associated with pectinase production in soft rot disease of Dickeya spp. are regulated by quorum sensing mechanism using acyl homoserine lactone(AHL). Degradation of AHL using AHL lactonase can be developed to reduce pectinase production in Dickeyaspp.The aiiA gene encodes AHL lactonase from Bacillus spp. This study aims to construct binary vector of inserted aiiA gene (pCAB10) from Bacillus cereus B10 and express the aiiA gene in potato Medians cultivar genome. The aiiAgene was cloned into binary vector and transformed into Agrobacterium tumefaciens LB4404. The Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation was conducted with co-cultivation technique.The transgenic plant was confirmed through PCR andselected through kanamycin and soft rot disease resistance to Dickeya dadantii A3. The result showed that aiiA gene was successfully integrated top CAB10 and introduced to A. tumefaciens LB4404. The percentage of pCAB10 transformation was 57.6%, while there generation efficiency was 11.9% with 50 mg/L acetosyringone addition. Four transgenic potato Medians cultivar exhibited significantly higher resistance against soft rot disease than non-transgenic plants. Mahl1 clone had the highest resistance to D. dadantii with soft rot disease incidence as 7.1% and percentage of soft rot disease suppression as 92.85%.
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